Hi there, you have a good taste reading my blog and all. So in return I will tell you about my day.
I came in and sat on the mat as Katie called out the roll. "Tessa" she called out. "Here!" replied Tessa. "Reina" she called again. "Here!" replied Reina and so on and so on. After the roll, we had chess. I lost to Joshua (or Josh, as he likes to be known).
After morning tea, we worked on our passion projects. Reid and I are working on making a sugar free energy drink. We surveyed students and teachers to find out what flavours people liked the most. The options were apple,orange, apple and orange mixed, pineapple or grape. You can let me know on what you prefer via posting a comment below.
Bye for now
Oi, where do you think your going? Don't go of to read his blog OR her blog, read MY blog instead.
Now, I suppose I better tell you about my day. Well, it started out as a normal day, coming in, roll, and then Katie ( one of our three teachers ) mentioned these rotations that sounded really cool/interesting. The first thing that I did was with Nicola. We had to compare our selves with Lorde. that was really tricky, but fun!!
The next thing the next thing I went to was catching-up. I finished my interview on Jackson.
The next rotation was with Paul. we learnd about a new app that I recomend to every one. The app was called: Aurasma. With it, you can turn a 2D still picture into a 3D moving mini film. You can also make your own Video!!
By for now,
Today I was late AGAIN. Something I absolutely HATE. And Mum said that I WASN'T going to be late. Today at Enrich we started off with chess. I went don the leader board by quite a bit but I am determined to win back my place. Our new discovery topic is "Finding out about our past". I personally think its going to be fun.
Kia Ora, everyone. I'll get straight to the point. NO muckin' around.
My highlight for today was the 2nd round of Personal Devolopment. I did Renzullli and Gange's models of giftedness. Ganges model is way more meaty than Renzulli's model. See if you can tell the difference.
BYE BYE!!!!!!